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Welcome to Confessions!!

Welcome everyone!! I'm Nicki & welcome to Confessions of a Teenage Bookworm!! Just because you guys are awesome and I feel you should know a little bit more about me then my little about me snippet on my sidebar, I made this post. I'll tell you all about it in a self question/answer session.

Q. What does your blog name mean?
A. Exactly what it says. :) I am 15 and shamelessly addicted to reading Christian books. All kinds but Historical Christian Romances are my favorite!

Q. How old are you?
A. I'm 15 years old but I'm turning "Sweet 16" in June. :)

Q. How many books a week do you read?
A. Honestly? With the risk of you either thinking I'm crazy, or knowing exactly what I'm talking about, I read about 4-6 books a week. SOMETIMES more.

Q. Why did you start Reviewing?
A. First, I'm gonna call you out and say you probably didn't read my answer to that last one. ;) Just kidding! Honestly, I was on with my grandma and everytime we read a review on a newer book, It said something like:

*I received this book from and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts were my own and I was not compensated in any other way.

After that, I was curious and searched how to become a reviewer and here I am!

Q. Can I become a reviewer too?
A. Absolutely!! The first step is creating a blog...with blogger it's super easy. You can also see step by step instructions for certain publishers on my blog by scrolling down the links on the sidebar until you get to "H" and clicking "How to"

Q. How do I view your posts?
A. This one's easy!! Simply click the "Home" button at the top of this page!

Q. What types of books do you review? Do you review secular books as well?
A. No, I do not review secular/ non-Christian books UNLESS it is a children's book such as "If You give a Mouse a Cookie". (< Best children's book ever!) As far  as what types of Christian books, all kinds! I have non-fiction, devotionals, Historical Fiction, Contemporary Romance, Biblical Fiction, Amish Fiction, fictional books in war, the list goes on!! If there is a certain author you like, go back to that list of links on the side and see if they're listed!

Q. Can I request you to review a certain book I want to see?
A. Yes, you absolutely can! However, it may take a while because I may not have access or money for the book at present. If you have an amazon kindle book you want me to review and I don't have it, you can also lend me the book. Also remember that I only review Christian books.

Q. I'm an author or publisher. Do you accept new books to review?
A. Yes, I am always looking for new books. I do think it fair to tell you that I am more prone to reviewing paperbacks because of headaches and computer time restrictions. Email me @ or contact me on my facebook page:
Confessions of a Teenage Bookworm.

I think that is about it, but if there is anything you want to know, let me know by email, facebook, my blog, or twitter...look for @BookReviewerNic ! Also, if you're new here or just haven't done it yet, please comment on this post with your name and how you found my blog? It would help me so much!

Happy Reading,

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Nicki! I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award. Here's a link to my post:
    If you decide to do a post, please do let me know! :)


Hey everyone!! Thanks for visiting my blog!! If you have any music requests or you see something you don't like on my blog, just email me at Have a great rest of your day and come back soon for more reviews!

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