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Saturday, February 20, 2016

Tyndale Review-Backwards Beauty by Jessie Minassian

Hey everyone!! I have quite the book for you this Saturday afternoon! It might be a bit different then you're used to but I's fabulous!!


If ten girls were asked to describe the “perfect” girl, they would likely rattle off an eerily similar list of qualities―from hair, skin, and weight to a cute button nose. That’s a problem, because God has given girls a desire to be desirable. If girls think that they will be most wanted if they fit a one-size-fits-all image of “perfection,” they will continually chase that proverbial carrot their entire lives.

Backwards Beauty examines ten cultural lies young women listen to regarding beauty to help them unpack how they’re looking at themselves through the wrong lens. The “tips to feel ugly” range from “compare yourself to every other girl” to “eat junk and diet, diet, diet.”

Reading a book by Jessie Minassian is like sitting down with a friend and talking about the hard things in life. Girls will be able to find freedom and hope in the midst of a culture that idolizes beauty.

     *My Thoughts*
What a fabulous idea for a book! So many people have tried to capture the feelings all teen girls have at one point or another, and write a book about it. "How to feel better about yourself." "Top tips for gaining confidence." "Learn to love yourself." Nice idea right? Most times. Other times, the book just stands to show everything everyone already knows and does nothing to help the reader. It's not the writer's fault, just the hard truth.

That's why this book is so perfect! The title embodies the book perfectly. Everything about the way this book was designed is backwards which is what makes it so great! The author does an amazing job of taking all the "ideals" we have about what we should be and showing us not only why that's wrong, but also by helping us see how we should view ourselves: As a daughter of the King.

                *My overall thoughts*

Backwards Beauty is the best book I have ever read on this topic. I plan to share it with everyone and donate it to our youth group library! Engaging and lovingly written, Jessie's book has reminded me of the confidence I should have in myself as a daughter of the One True King.

     *My Rating*

  I give Backwards Beauty by Jessie Minassian...


                                 5 stars!! 

*I received this book from the publisher and the author in exchange for an honest review, which I have given. All thoughts were my own and I was not compensated in any other way.

Happy Reading,

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