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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Litfuse Review- God, Me, and Sweet Ice Tea by Rosa Chandler Johnson

Good evening guys!! It's wet, disgusting, and my dad's home for the first day all week, (Yuck to a 60 hr week!!)so I'm going to keep this short. :)



  In the South, nothing is more refreshing than a glass of sweet iced tea. Nothing, that is, except experiencing God in those small, everyday moments. God, Me, and Sweet Iced Tea is a deeply personal collection of spiritual treasures designed to help readers experience new mercies each morning. Seasoned with insight and grace, this tender devotional points to the divine presence of God in everyday moments. Whether purchased as a personal resource or given as a heartfelt gift, God, Me, and Sweet Iced Tea will help readers develop a daily habit of turning to God in those quiet moments of reflection. 

*My Thoughts*

This was such an awesome devotional!! Rosa did an amazing job adding in little personal stories to go with each lesson. Short and to the point, each day I opened it, I found exactly what I needed for the day. What can I say? It's a God thing and He certainly has blessed Rosa!

The name is what caught my eye. The moment I read the title on the email from Litfuse, the more I wanted to read it. What a creative name! Add that + the cover and it's really unique. Plus one more thing. If you read my bio you'd know that 3 years ago, I relocated to the South: From NY to VA. While we are not "sheltered" in Ny to not know what Iced Tea is, there is a HUGE difference between Lemon flavored iced tea and my friend Michael's favorite sweet tea. HUGE. That's the difference between knowing God and KNOWING Him. This devotional is a perfect reminder of that!

*My Rating*

I give God, Me, and Sweet Iced Tea by Rosa Chandler Johnson...

4 1/2 stars!! 
*My overall thoughts*

God, Me, and Sweet Iced Tea by Rosa Chandler Johnson is a sweet devotional that really connects a reader with God. The writing is awesome and the personal stories make it unique. Awesome devotional!

 *Where to get it*

Thanks for stopping by!!
Happy Reading,

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