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Friday, March 3, 2017

Influencer Review- Love's Eternal Breath by Naomi Rawlings

Good March afternoon everyone! Today's book is actually a surprise to me...I'm on Naomi's influencer team, but I complete forgot that it was that time again! I was oh-so-happy when I opened my inbox to find this delightful ebook.            

               *About the Book*

 The bestselling Eagle Harbor Series continues with Book 4, Love’s Eternal Breath. 

Lindy Marsden once dreamed of having a husband, a house, some children, and maybe even a sewing machine. But since she grew ill five years ago, those dreams have become too much to hope for. Now she just wants to provide for herself and help the abandoned children she found living in the woods until their father returns… and avoid doctors for the rest of her life. Their medicine never leads to any good, and she has the scars to prove it. 

Seth Harrington loves being a doctor, but treating patients in the small town of Eagle Harbor is nothing like working at a prestigious Boston hospital, especially with the other doctor in town trying to steal Seth's patients. When he's called to treat a reluctant woman, Seth finds Lindy Marsden's fiery dislike for him rather insulting. He has the ability to help her, but she wants nothing to do with him. Until she shows up on his doorstep one night... 

When the plight of a young abandoned boy brings Seth and Lindy irrevocably together, Seth finds himself in the most difficult situation of his career. His expertise can help him heal the sick, but will his love be enough to soothe Lindy's wounded soul? 

Come visit the rugged yet beautiful coast of Lake Superior and the remote historical town of Eagle Harbor that readers can’t get enough of. 

               *My Thoughts*

Ever since I joined Naomi Rawling's influencer team, I've looked forward to a book I know I won't be able to put down. Her writing style and story telling abilities are so captivating, I often re-read the story the moment I finish it. 

A big part of her storytelling magic is her ability to create a relatable character. Lindy's fear of doctors is so palpable I found myself shaking right along with her as she tried to overcome her struggles. Naomi does a marvelous job of slowly unraveling the story to keep the reader engaged. I found myself feeling Seth's frustration and pumping my fist at each victory.

All in all, Love's Eternal Breath is without a doubt in this year's top ten and is most definitely one of the best marriage of convenience stories I have ever read. 


                *My Rating*

I give Love's Eternal Breath... 

5 stars!

Happy Reading!


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